BMW G310R Spot

BMW G310R Spot

BMW hat einen Werbespot zur neuen, A2-führerscheintauglichen, G310R veröffentlicht. In dem Spot präsentiert uns Chris Northover das neue Einstiegsmotorrad und erklärt ein paar technische Details.



  • BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
    BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
  • BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
    BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
  • BMW G310R Roadster City
    BMW G310R Roadster City
  • BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
    BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
  • BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
    BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
  • BMW G310R Roadster Desig [.]
    BMW G310R Roadster Desig [.]
  • BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
    BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
  • BMW G310R Challenge the  [.]
    BMW G310R Challenge the [.]
  • BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
    BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
  • BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
    BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
  • BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
    BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
  • BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
    BMW G310R Roadster Actio [.]
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